Thursday, April 9, 2009

Please let this be a trend....

So some Hawaiians got their act together, and didn't buy it - they did it.

The quick: After a natural disaster, an important bridge leading to a national park needed repair - a State issue. At risk: their livelihoods in the form of tourism dollars.

These badass mofos asked not what their country could buy for them, but instead rallied around a common cause and repaired things themselves.

Faced with imminent bankruptcy without a steady revenue, locals set to work on a big pile of Win, completing all construction independently, and are now back in business.

Bravo, Kauai Island residents, bravo.

Government's estimated time before completion: 2 years

Government's estimated cost : $4 million (US)

Locals' actual completion time : 8 days

Government's actual cost : Face

As long as needed health and safety standards are being met, and the interests of the community are being served, I say we start to utilize the available labor pool for projects of any scale.

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