So there's a new film from the Fast and Furious franchise opening this weekend. It's been cleverly titled "Fast and Furious" and stars Vin Diesel.
I'm not buying that Hollywood is so entirely out of action flick ideas that this mind-numbing remake is what sells.
Are movie audiences really so bored that they'll go see a fourth installment of plotless car crashing?
What happened to the days of the high-concept action movie?
Where's my Timecop? My Demolition Man? My Judge Dredd? I mean, if you're going to just crank out sequels, at least have the decency to star in all TEN of them (I'm pointing at you, Stallone).
After skipping FF2 and 3 (ya, he cameo'd), Diesel returns for FF4 as a producer, which is about as reassuring as having Paris and Nicole at the helm.

It's time audiences stopped supporting empty movies just because shit blows up. If we boycott, we can get less of Barbie Gone Wild and more movies like The One where the hero fights himself with a motorcycle!

I'm not buying another action movie ticket until we see THIS:

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